Cut through regulatory red tape
It's a fact that projects that require rock blasting are becoming more and more technical and restrictive. Now, more than ever, Maine Drilling & Blasting's experience and services can facilitate your project and help streamline necessary approvals.
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Public Awareness
Maine Drilling & Blasting has blasted in some of the most sensitive areas in the Northeast, including a considerable amount of work in urban settings. In our experience, we have found that the key to avoiding the roadblocks associated with the public is simply education and compassion.
Our technical department frequently makes presentations on behalf of developers and owners to planning boards, public meetings and neighborhood associations as part of the project approval process. In addition, our in-house pre-blast survey service is much more efficient, timely and accurate than third-party sources.

Blasting Ordinances & Authority Approval
Working with the authorities to get a project through the planning and approval process will, no doubt, be an integral piece to getting your project underway. Rock blasting is a sensitive issue that oftentimes creates a hurdle based on public perception that is not easily overcome.
Again, we have the staff with the applied knowledge; we oftentimes know these people personally, and certainly know what concerns they have and need addressed. We can successfully satisfy their needs without adding costly restrictions or adding unnecessary time to the schedule.

Means, Methods, Cost Control
Maine Drilling & Blasting has the experience to recommend cost advantages to approaching work in a way that will be most safe and efficient. We submit reasonable standards for regulatory review.
Also, we can make suggestions for rock remediation (rock-anchored slopes etc.), as well as product choices, phasing, optimum excavation cuts and fills, etc.