Our Commitment, Our Customers’ Peace of Mind
In the old days, the blaster would puff on his cigar until it was red hot, touch it to the fuse and "run like hell."
Before the rackbar machine, (a plunger that generates an electric current), that's how blasters set off their charges. Drilling wasn't any more sophisticated: Hand chisels were employed to make the holes in which the charges were packed.
As for explosives, black powder, first used for blasting in Hungary in 1627, gave way to dynamite in the mid 1800s when Alfred Nobel of Sweden saturated porous earth with nitroglycerin. The resulting solid lacked the volatility of "nitro" but could still be detonated by a blasting cap. In later years, sugar cane and wood pulp replaced earth in his formula.
Today, technology has turned what was once an art into a science. Maine Drilling & Blasting is on the cutting edge.
A controlled commercial blast is over in far less time than it takes to read this sentence. Yet the technical planning and preparation can take hours, sometimes days. The elements of this procedure are important to Maine Drilling & Blasting.
As a subcontractor, the blaster follows specifications set by the contractor, developer or government agency. The blaster also must adhere to the most restrictive of federal, state or local laws concerning the amount of explosives allowed and the magnitude of the resulting blast.
MD&B is a provider of drilling, blasting and related specialty services in the New England, Mid Atlantic and Southeast areas.